May 25, 2015 Farm News

Dear Friends,
     This drizzly Monday Memorial day as we’re harvesting for this weeks deliveries, my family remembers my father, Daniel, and his two brothers.  All 3 were aviators in WWII and all came home to the country they loved.
  Remember those who served before.
Remember those who are no more.
Remember those who serve today.
Remember them as we eat and play.
Remember our protectors-
who are not home today.
Remember them all on Memorial Day.
-Emily Toma
 In talking with a new shareholder, she shared with me that kale wasn’t one of her favorite greens and this week is the last cutting of the new kale/brussel sprout greens.  Although Red Russian kale is our favorite, we did enjoy growing and trying a new one.
 If you like your kale in salads, here’s an easy recipe:
Raw Kale Salad (Massaged)
1 bunch kale, stems removed and chopped small
1/4 red onion or 1 shallot, chopped
Good olive oil
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Grated Insalata ricotta, 1/2 c
Salt and pepper
Sprinkle some salt and 2-3 T of oil over the kale.  Plunge your hands in and massage for a couple of minutes until tender.  Add ‘onion’, lemon juice, cheese and salt and pepper as you like. Fast, easy and tasty.
I’d say a day like today is a good candidate for a chili stew!  We like to add chopped kale for the last few minutes of cooking for a tasty and nutritional boost.

For our Choose Your Own members, please remember to place your orders for a delivery this week by this evening.
May you enjoy and utilize all your items for this week.  If you need suggestions for use or recipes on any of your items, feel free to email me and I’ll help.

Members, we’ve updated our CSA Member Agreement, so please be sure to review our new terms.



Please note that some substitutions may apply from time to time.


Large Medium Juicing Fruit Only Petite
Sqush,ccmber or beans Yams or russet potatoes Yellow nectarines Yellow nectarines Sweet radishes
Sprouts Sqush,ccmber or beans Sqush,ccmber or beans Peaches Sqush,ccmber or beans
Salad w/Edible Flowers Sprouts Peaches Green Seedless grapes Salad w/Edible Flowers
Peaches Salad w/Edible Flowers Mint Grapefruit Mint
Mint Peaches Kale/Brussel sprts grns Fuji apples Lettuce
Lettuce Mint Kale Blueberries Grape tomatoes
Kale/Brussel sprts grns Lettuce Green Seedless grapes Blackberries Carrots
Green Seedless grapes Kale/Brussel sprts grns Grapefruit Avocado Cabbage or cauliflower
Grape tomatoes Grape tomatoes Grape tomatoes
Carrots Carrots Ginger
Cabbage or cauliflower Cabbage or cauliflower Carrots
Blueberries Blueberries Cabbage or cauliflower
Blackberries Blackberries Blueberries
Avocado Avocado Blackberries



Remember, for every new member you refer, you’ll receive a $10.00 Green Store credit.

Thank you so much to all of you loyal supporters.  We sincerely hope we have helped your health and well-being with our food and brightened your day with flowers.


Seabreeze Organic Farm

Seabreeze Green Store